Boron steel plate for use in reactor safety systems. Made by 20th Century Electronics 1958-70 on a large scale 1960-1970
Type IB2 Geiger-Muller tube assembly with two spare shells showing construction Type IB2 Geiger-Muller tube assembly 1978-95
Model of fission Geiger counter type FC4, for counting individual particles and photons resulting from fission. Made by 20th Century Electronics in 1967. The model was made for, and presented to, Gilbert Tomes by his workforce at 20th Century Electronics (Later Centronic Ltd) Model of fission Geiger counter type FC4 1967
Model of tower containing boron isotope separation plant, made by 20th Century Electronics Ltd staff, 1977-78. Isotope separation plant, 1977-1978. 1977-1978
Model of gamma compensated ionisation chamber type RC6, made by 20th Century Electronics in 1967. The ionisation chamber contains two oppositely-charged electrodes arranged so that, when the gas is ionised (ie: by X-rays), the ions are drawn to the electrodes, creating a current. This is used as a measure of the intensity of the ionising radiation. The model was made for, and presented to, Gilbert Tomes by his workforce at 20th Century Electronics (Later Centronic Ltd) Model of gamma compensated ionisation chamber type RC6 1967